Born in Berlin

The city of 3000 tables (and counting)
There's nowhere quite like Berlin.
But it's not just about the arts, design, politics, music, history and culture.
It's also home to one of the world's most thriving street table tennis scenes.
The city has 2575 public sites for playing table tennis – many with multiple tables – so you're never more than a block or two away from a table, and a game.
"In Berlin, wherever there is open space, a park or an extra piece of pavement, you’ll find a table tennis table: sturdy, cold, narrow concrete with a metal net. Open to the elements, free to use, enticing, seductive.A place to exercise, socialise, drink, chat, or engage in an almost silent combat; a place to make friends or to lose them."

Find a table near you
If you're not in Berlin, fear not.
Our good friends at PingPongMap have built the most helpful tool in the world for finding a spot to play near you, anywhere in the world.